Whether you’re just getting into the sport or you’ve been playing for a while, it’s important to know the basic rules of badminton. In this article, we’ll go over the basic rules of badminton, including how to serve and how to score points.
So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, read on for a quick refresher on the basics of badminton.
Badminton Court Setup
Your badminton court should be a rectangle, measuring 26 feet by 44 feet. The front line should be marked 9 feet from the end of the court, and the back line should be marked 20 feet from the end of the court. The service line should be in the middle of the front and back lines, and it should be 3 feet from each line.
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Rules of Scoring
There are a number of rules that govern scoring in badminton. The most important one to remember is that the game is won by the first player or team to reach 21 points, with a margin of two points. This means that if the score reaches 20-20, the player or team who scores the next point will win the game.
If you are serving and your opponent fails to return the shuttlecock, you will score a point. If your opponent does return the shuttlecock, but it then falls to the ground, you will also score a point. The exception to this is if your opponent returns the shuttlecock so that it goes out of bounds; in this case, no point is scored.
For doubles badminton, the first pair to reach 11 points wins the game.
Playing the Shuttlecock
The game of badminton is played with a shuttlecock, which is a feathered or plastic projectile that is hit back and forth across a net. When serving, the shuttlecock must be hit with the racket below the waist. You cannot hit the shuttlecock above your head.
If you miss the shuttlecock or it hits the ground, your team loses the point. If you hit the shuttlecock out of bounds, your team also loses the point. If you hit the opponent’s shuttlecock back across the net, your team earns a point. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game.
What Shots Are Allowed?
All shots that are played within the boundaries of the court are allowed. that includes clears, drops and lifts. All shots must follow stroke regulations, which means they can’t make contact with the net or be played twice in a row by the same player. The shuttlecock may pass over or around the net as long as it doesn’t touch it. Shots that hit the ground within the boundary of your opponent’s court score you one point, while shots outside of their court will score them a point.
Foot Fault Rules
The fifth and final rule you should be aware of is the foot fault rule. This rule states that a player cannot go across the center line or outside the court at any time, as this is considered a foul. The only time it’s allowed to cross the line is during a service, which must be done with one foot remaining in contact with the court at all times.
Another important thing to remember is that players can’t step on or touch the boundary lines during play. If any part of their body touches the boundary line, it will be counted as a fault. Players are also only allowed to move one foot while they’re hitting the shuttlecock and must keep both feet on the court until after each shot has been hit.
It’s important to keep these rules in mind when playing badminton so that you can stay within your boundaries and avoid making any foot faults!
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So these are some of the basic rules of Badminton. If you want to play this game, you must recognize all these rules. Hopefully, this article will be helpful for all of you to get an overall idea of this game and its rules. Thank you all.